As of August 22nd, 2021
We have completed a full infrastructure update to ensure the very best possible service, security, emergency response, and network performance.
The following has been implemented:
- Improved DNS Service increasing query speed, reliability and response time.
- Upgraded Email Service with increase security, spoofing prevention, and reliability, with improved self-management features and two factor authentication.
- Implementation of a Highly Available Database Services separating processing impact and enabling automated database fail-over.
- Upgrade to our Database and Server Archiving process to ensure that we are always ready for service restoration in case of emergency.
- Addition of upgraded Back-End Monitoring systems to ensure that our staff is notified immediately in response to downtime or excessive usage
- Implementation of Enhanced Firewall Protection restricting access to all core services to Secure Foundations staff.
- Addition of a new Reduced-Cost SSL Certificate at $6.95 / month
We are proud of the many enhancements that have been implemented over the past six months and look forward to continue offering
The Most Secure and Reliable Enterprise Email and Web Hosting Services Available.
Thank you for your business!
Sunday, August 22, 2021
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